You can find on this page the Jerusalem zipcodes map to print and to download in PDF. The Jerusalem zip code map presents postal codes, address lookup and code list of Jerusalem in Israel.

Jerusalem postcodes map

Map of Jerusalem zip codes

The Jerusalem postcodes map shows all the zip codes of Jerusalem. This zip code map of Jerusalem will allow you to easily find postal codes and address lookup of Jerusalem in Israel. The Jerusalem postcode map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The city of Jerusalem on Jerusalem postcodes map, has 801,000 inhabitants (2012 census). The average altitude is 754 m. Postcodes on Jerusalem postcodes map: 91000. The current mayor of Jerusalem is Nir Barkat. Inhabitant of Jerusalem city is called Jerusalemite on Jerusalem postcodes. The english name of the city is Jerusalem on postcodes. The nickname of the city is "Ir ha-Kodesh".

Jerusalem postcodes on Jerusalem postcodes map, that allows sorting and automatic routing of mail in Jerusalem with those postcodes. It is a sequence of five digits of Jerusalem postcodes (sometimes with a letter) designating the locality of residence of the recipient of a mail. The postal code was set up in France by the PTT administration in 1964. It was composed at the time of only two digits referring to the mineralogical number of the departments.

The postcodes of Jerusalem on Jerusalem postcodes map MO takes the form "ANA NAN", where A is an alphabetic character and N is a numeric character of Jerusalem postcodes. The first character of Jerusalem postcodes is the province or territory, or a large area entirely within a province. The first three characters of the postal codeMO correspond to the Forward Sortation Area (FSA).